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Alot going on, But not Much Happening

So I guess its about time I give all my readers another FULL update
On my medical stuff. 
If people don't know I have A brain Invader
 (Pineal Cystic Tumor, Or Pineal Lesion, Or pineal Invader , Or Pineocytoma, or claude. Its known by many names as you can see. We wont truly know if its a cyst or a tumor tell it is removed. Do to my awful symptoms, that are getting worst, I've been told It needs to be removed!)

Every time I have to give anyone a full update.. it can very overwhelming and upsetting for me.
So please bare with me. Please do not take this as me whinnying. I just think its time I am truly honest on everything that's going on.  If there is Grammar Errors Or Typos Also forgive me. 
So I am a BAD news first kind of person. I have A lot of hope, but I don't like false hope.
SO here it  is strait out.My surgery isn't going to happen anytime soon. Pretty sure of that..
The surgery I need, to rip out this  mooch  in my brain 
 ....The surgery I need to help me be the best mom I know I can be, and want to be, but don't have the energy or anything to be.  The surgery that in the end will save my life. Isn't gonna happen anytime soon...It scares me everyday to think today might be the day i have a seizure. or today might be the day that I get an excessive amount water of  in my brain (Hydrocephalus)..
I am sure my Followers have noticed my lack of posts. Getting more and more. My problems are getting worst. And fundraising isn't going to well. I've tired everything to get word out,
I've talk to insurances, to news stations, to different drs... Nothings working... Currently looking into a medical grant or what ever its called. But I'm pretty sure I wont get that either. As I don't fall under all the guidelines. 

Our plan Was to change our Insurance to my husbands work Insurance this month...
With the cost of it, and the fact that we still have a long way to go, raising the Out of pocket money. We feel like its best to just wait, and not 'waste' money paying for a insurance we can't really afford nor can even use yet. (we could scrape it up, if we did have our goal met. But as I said we are a long way from it.) So we will wait another Six months.... and try to do some benefits in rl...

Problem is guys...I don't really have any family help (other then my husband), my sisters seem to busy to help with setting one up, other then one who offered, but shes got her hands full as it is... So its been hard. Me and my husband can't set up and run a benefit all on our own in rl... And his family  has already donated A LOT to me.

My husband Just lost his mom as most of you know, unexpectedly . We had to pay for a big LUMP of her funeral cost. Yeah its on a credit card...but now we are drowning even more so. 

I am not meaning to be negative.. or be like "ooo pity me" as I don't want pity. I just thought I would be openly honest about all the stress and crap I have been going through. 
I am depressed at this time. I feel like I am in a deep dark hole that I can't get out of. 
Where is my good Karma?

Good news (I guess): We are waiting to hear back from ONE OTHER surgeon Who is In south Carolina, who I am told has a out of pocket that is a lot less. BUT he doesn't take the insurance offered through my husbands work, nor what I have. He does take a different insurance which is open for open enrollment tell January . The monthly cost is also high for this, even higher actually, but at this point we are weighing our options and waiting to hear from this dr, to really plan our move. 

Anyways, please do not take this as me being a big baby.. I just wanted to be fully honest about whats going on. I am just going through a lot psychically and mentally. 
So if i skip a few days or a week or so of  posting. I am so so very sorry. 

If you want to know more about my Medical Problem, or would wish to share or donate to my Go fund me:
There is also a News Interview  of me on there,
 and A few pictures of my last MRI.  

I am wondering if there is any land owners/ Store owners that would be willing to donate some land for a event/benefit in sl?
As events in sl are a little easier for me to manage. I know its A LOT to ask. So its
ok if no one can.
I love you guys, and thank you so much for all support, love, and donations. 
The SL store to store marathons we did a few months ago did help a little. So thank you.
 Every little bit COUNTS! Thank you all so so so much <3

Tattoo: **UrbanStreet**Prophecies Tattoo-Medium-
Shorts:[AMERICAN BAZAAR] Indie Shorts Charcoal
BackPack: ClarityMoon~Back Packer~Gacha~1
 @ The Thrift Shop Nov. 8 - 29, 2015 

Bracelet:  ClarityMoon~Lisp~Left~Gold
 @ The Thrift Shop Nov. 8 - 29, 2015 
Cat Pose: the pose shop. -catnap
 @ The Thrift Shop Nov. 8 - 29, 2015 
Standing Pose: Verocity - Camille 6
Bed: Trompe Loeil - Nesting Bed Autumn
Sign: .{VileCult}. Ghost Xing
Blue Eye: #adored - miasma eyes - echo 
Pink Eye: #adored- miasma eyes - passionfruit
Ears:[CerberusXing] Industrial Ears (Has Hud!)
Lip Rig: ~Tantalum~ Skeleton Hands Lip Piercings 
Thank you for reading, and sorry for such a long post!  


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