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We Need to Talk

I figured it was time I write a totally official post on my fashion blog about my battle with my Brain invader. 

For the past 4 years I have been dealing with a few heath things.
The health problems started out small. They were easily brushed off by me
and my Doctors at first. As i had just had my second kid, and was
jumping  through the hoops to find help for my son. As at the time we didn't know he had autism.
So my doctor and I both Brushed off my Dizziness, headaches,  black outs (my version would go dark for a few seconds at a time) As just being very tired and just possible Migraines as they can
cause visual problems. Not soon after talking to my doctor I started to get Numbness in my right arm, But  I also brushed this off. As  when i was 18 I had a horse back riding mishap where I flew off and landed on my elbow and shattered it to a million pieces, They had to replace it with a fake joint. So i fingered the numbness was just from holding my new born a lot. Even tho I never had the numbness with my first, and my injury was more fresh back then with him.
For a long time I brushed it off, and went with what my Doctor said. 
"just a migraine, watch what you eat"
My husband was the one who pushed me to seek my Doctor again, as the headaches started coming more often, with pressure and face numbness, my dizziness turned to vertigo, the black outs (my version would go dark for a few seconds at a time), became more often and when ever they wanted. 
My doctor still believed it was Migraines,Told me i needed to excises as i was gaining some weight. (HOW CAN YOU EXCISE WHEN THE WORLDS SPINNING?)
He did blood work, everything was fine.  Next he tested my heart. Normal. 
Even tho my blood surger was normal he made me take home a glucose monitor and
I had to test myself every time I got dizzy or felt my symptoms. Normal.
At that point I started to feel like it was all in my head, so I dropped it and sucked it up.
Even tho my husband kept telling me to keep going back. 
Timed went by. I had good days and bad days, I tired juicing and jogging. 
Fatigue started getting bad, and the numbness was starting to go to my finger tips, and the souls of my feet. 
I would trip and drop things. I would joke and act like I meant to do it. My husband knew better. 
My mother sort of new what was going on, but I hid it pretty well. 
at Thanksgiving  2014. Every one noticed. I had to grab walls do to feeling faint.  
My husband Prompted me again to seek the Doctor. I brushed it off for a while
and keep saying I would call. Then my mom Called me The day  before she was going to
California. Me and my husband where going to watch her dogs. 
She informed me... She had breast cancer.
It all hit me with a bang. She still went on her trip as her Docotor told her to,
and as soon as she got back they would plan the surgery out and everything.
After she got back, I saw my Dr. again. Stressed with him about my numbness in my feet.
The fact that my half sister had MS, and also that was wanted him to show me how to check my self for lumps and things.
At this visit he was more alarmed about my numbness. He finally decided to do a Mri.
A had a my Mri the day after my mom had her lump removed. 
This is where the story gets bumpier. 
I called in a few days after my Mri as no one had called me.
I was informed that it came in the day before and my Dr. should be calling me that day. They where able to tell me the results tho. "No orbital abnormality and no sign of ms."
I waited for my Doctors nurse to called...and waited. Almost a week later. they called me. Told em the same thing. At this point I was mad. i understand no news is good news, but
one should not have to wait two weeks.
I called the Imaging place and got my MRI CD and Report.
What I read was not what i was told.
"7mm Pineal Cyst noted." Of course like any person, i tired not to freak and hit the internet.
I found alot of "they don't cause problems, they are rarely symptomatic."
Then I ran across a blog of some body with a Symptomatic Pineal cyst.  Which lead me to a group on Fb, I shared my story and they invited me to a Private group.
Through this group I found that there was many many people just like me. A lot of the same symptoms. A lot of the same stories and battles with Drs. 
At this point I wanted to know if i had a  Symptomatic Pineal cyst. or if i should keep digging.
In the group I found out there was just a handful of doctors with the knowledge to help people with these things. Do to the rarity and where it was located. Right in the middle of the brain.
 First I saw my husband regular doctor, who told me it wasn't my cyst. Tho he kindly recommended me to a neurologist. The Neurologist Tired to put me on depression pills that where disguised as migraine pills. Yes they can be used to help headaches, tho the main propose of them was for depression.  He told me my symptoms didn't make since, and that it was probably all stress related.
I didn't take the pills. My symptoms took a turn for the worst, and i started to get shaky eyes.

So contacted two of the Doctors that the group people Fb recommended . One wanted me to Fly out to Texas to speak with him, and my
insurance also wouldn't pay for consult. To much money. I fell into a little depression about this. As this Doctor use to do free phone consults, but had changed this just a month before i contacted him. No one informed me of this, before i sent him my stuff. 
A few people, one who was just about to have surgery on her Rare pineal tumor that also had a cyst hooked to it. Encouraged me to contact the Dr she was seeing in California. Tho there was a consult fee,
he did it on the phone.
I contacted him. He informed me that he was concerned that I may not have a Pineal Cyst but I may in fact have a Pineaocytoma. Which is a rare brain tumor of the Pineal region. He recommended surgery but left it up to me. He requested one mroe MRI to be done. Which was done March 13th.
Its revealed my cyst?tumor?unicorn? (lol) has grown to 1cmX 9mm X 7 MM. I spoke with
him again and he stood by what he had said before.

So.. I have surgery set for June 2nd, But it may not happen as...
I need ALL MONEY UP FRONT.  My insurance refuses to pay ANYTHING.
167,000 USD doesn't fall out of trees. 

I have a  Go Fund me-click-
I was on the local News-click-
also I have a Tip Jar in my K-Pie Designs Mainstore-click-
1 Linden unisex Team Pie shirts are also Sold at the Mainstore.
Image Of male Shirt  -click-
Image of Female Shirt (worn in photo above) -click-

Also pictured in photo above
Hair:*~*Damselfly*~*Aviva Non-Rig Mesh
@Seasons Story
Pants:Sky - Spring Floral Ankle Jeans {black}


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