So guys... we need to talk.
As many of my active Followers know I have been suffering form problems caused by a Symptomatic Pineal Cyst. (or so we thought.)
I had a consultation with the Dr, I had been looking into yesterday and
He informed me that what we thought was a Pineal Cyst was actually
a Pineocytoma which is a rare tumor of the Pineal Region of the brain. He
recommended having surgery and getting it removed as soon as possible to
prevent any more damage.
Sorry to toss this all at you guys, but I myself am still trying to put a grasp on everything.
Like it pisses me off that my first dr never even told me about the 'cyst' and told me my Mri was normal. I had to find out when I requested the reports, and it pisses me off that 2 drs and a nero ignored my suffering.. but other then that I
Actually feel relieved... That I know finely what is wrong.
Normally I keep my rl in rl and my sl in sl when it comes to privacy stuff,
but if you guys would like to know more or even would like to help out.
feel free to visit my gofundme page.
Anyways on to this AMAZING OUTFIT!
Hair:*~*Damselfly*~* Candra
Dress:/ INVADER! // Tomb Split - Cherry
Headpiece: ::OXI:: Ama Crown & Headpiece (Gold)
Collar: ::OXI:: Satine Collars (Red/Black Diamond)
Skin:..:: AYA ::.. Ella - Angel Food -01 Eyebrow F
Nails:K-Pie Designs:Pastel Unicorn {Slink Nails}
Pose 1: ~Just Posing~ Kawaii Girl (5)
Pose 2: ~Just Posing~ Kawaii Girl (1)
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