Was a very crazy weekend for me.
Had a kids birthday party at a skating place on Saturday,
then after that My husband and I went to see Brooke Fraser.
He had gotten the tickets for me for Christmas. This was my 1st ever club concert.
We stood up front near the wall do to my Chronic vertigo, that was the best place for me.
Tho I would have wished to be right by the stage, it wasn't a good idea. There was a few songs, my husband ended up hugging me close, do to the all the strobes, they are so rough on me. It was so worth it tho.
Hair: Magika - Beans
Glasses: [geek.] Nerdism Glasses - Neutral Tones New
Shirt: / INVADER! // Outrageous Crop - Cute But Psycho
Boots: [geek.] RailSkatr Pak Brown
Skin: ..:: AYA ::.. Zoey - Angel Food - 12 Eyebrow G
EyeLiner: ..:: AYA ::.. Zoey- Lower Lash 1.2
Unscripted 2
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