So guys. As I promised, I am going to tell you what i have been doing the past few weeks. So i may have mentioned it a few times in the past.... photography has always been my passion. If you follow me on any social media in rl, you would know I am always taking photos. Well Before my Surgery to remove my brain tumor, I had decided that I would stop sitting on my thumbs, and take my raw talent and make something of it. Well as of mine and my husbands 7 year anniversary Oct 24th, I am officially a business owner. We made our Photography Business a registered legit business I've already had a few clients, and have one Event this Saturday to take photos at, and then on Sunday I have another photo shoot. You know this year has been a year of growth for me (and more ways than one *pinches her fat roll*) If this year has taught me anything, its that life is short to not be yourself. Life is to short to let things bug you, life is to sh...